-  Highlights 2019
-  News & Links

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-  Focus
  -  Automotive
  -  Cultural Heritage
  -  Cement works
  -  Energy production
  -  Metallurgy
  -  Mining
  >  Oil and Gas
  -  Public Management
  -  Transport
-  Training
-  Congress Management
-  Spare Parts
-  Contact / Networks

-  RCM (SAE JA 1011)
-  Dependability
-  Maintenance Welding
  -  MMA / SMAW
  -  MIG / MAG
-  Repair welding
-  Cast iron
  -  Weldability
  -  Repair Welding
-  Common steel
  -  Welding
-  Tool steels
-  Coatings
  -  Welding
  -  Spraying
  -  Brazing
-  Crane Experts
-  Safety
-  Acronym
-  International Standards
-  CEN TR 15628

-  Highlights 2019
-  Highlights 2018
-  Highlights 2017
-  Highlights 2016
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-  Highlights 2013
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-  Highlights 2011
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-  Highlights 2009
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-  Highlights 2005
-  Highlights 2004
-  Highlights 2003
-  Foxterrier

Oil and Gas

Maintenance and repair welding cases

Wear-Management offers an efficient co-operation environment between your organisation and specially selected experts.
Take advantage of our experience and our data base.


 Oil and gas: Mail from Middle-East<BR>
 Our technical recommendations were sent the next day.
Oil and gas: Mail from Middle-East
Our technical recommendations were sent the next day.


Heavy wear on a mud pump component.
Heavy wear on a mud pump component.

e-service - worldwide: wear-management - free documentation

As a member of the world's premier partner in maintenance and repair welding you have access to our world-wide e-service.
Join online: wear-management - free documentation.
Individual Membership Annual Dues $ 140.00 or € 100.00 or CHF 140.00
No Annual Dues for Student Membership.

Guarantee yourself the peace of mind that a quality support staff is standing by to assist you when you need them.

For further information, on-site training, technical advise or project management, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Last update: September 7, 2015

All information is supplied in good faith and without prejudice.
Wear-Management provides all information without any warranty.
Copyright © 2001-2020 Wear-Management, Arzillier 8, 1302 Vufflens-la-Ville, Switzerland
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire document is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.