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Highlights 2015

Un amico è come il sole: che tu lo veda o no, c'è sempre !

EFNMS General Assembly

27 and 28 November 2015, Storefjell (Norway)

In front of the Storefjell Hotel,<BR>
 Merry Christmas.
In front of the Storefjell Hotel,
Merry Christmas.

EFNMS General Assembly om 28 November 2015

The Headset Microphone must be in place.

left: The Norwegian Delegation - right: The Swedish Delegation.


Discussion between Franco Santini (IT) and Janez Tomazin (SLO) about the dimension of OEE parameters.

We are happy to be in Storefjell.
We are happy to be in Storefjell.

Workshop about Maintenance Function

Keep it simple - Dr Jones.

Council Dinner


Presents from Alermo Lucifredi (IT) and Janez Tomazin (SLO) for Johan Asmundvaag and his crew.

Cognac-Time in the Hotel-Library.


Valdres Museum on a lovely lake.
Valdres Museum on a lovely lake.

In the museum - on the left our local guide.
In the museum - on the left our local guide.


OMAINTEC - 13th International Operations and Maintenance Conference in the Arab Countries

17 to 19 November, 2015, Intercontinental Citystars Hotel, Cairo - Egypt.



In the center: H.E. Mr. Ghazi Al-Aridi, Former Minister of Lebanon.
In the center: H.E. Mr. Ghazi Al-Aridi, Former Minister of Lebanon.

Session 2: Panel Discussion: Spanish Experience in Maintenance

left: Prof. Adolfo Crespo, School of Engineering of the University of Seville, SPAIN -
right: Dr. Pedro Moreu de León, Expert, Maintenance Engineering and Maintenance Management, SPAIN

Workshop Nr. 9 New Global Trends in Maintenance Education
Eng. Guido Walt - CEO, Wear-Management, SWITZERLAND

Workshop participants.


left: Prof.Hassam Eldin Hassan Elborombaly, University Jeddah (KSA) - right: H.E. Dr. Essam Sharaf, Former Prime Minister of Egypt
left: Prof.Hassam Eldin Hassan Elborombaly, University Jeddah (KSA) - right: H.E. Dr. Essam Sharaf, Former Prime Minister of Egypt

Gala Dinner

left: Outstanding Performance. - right: Simon Mills (UK), Andrew Jardine (CA), Li Baowen (CN)

left: Sitting and singing together. - right: Smoke is in his eyes.

Annual Assembly Meeting Of The OMAINTEC Members & Closing Session

Board members of the OMAINTEC Institute.
Board members of the OMAINTEC Institute.

OMAINTEC - always a very special event!
OMAINTEC - always a very special event!



left: Mrs. Kiki Xie, Anhui Rong Zhi Ri Xin Information Technology Co, Hefei - CN
right: Booth of the OMTC-Taibah University, Medina - KSA.



In front of the Egyptian Museum together with Shauquat Alam (KSA).

CEN/TC 319 Maintenance
European Committee for Standardization (CEN)

23rd Plenary Meeting
20 October 2015, UNI-Office, Milano, Italy

Safety first!
Safety first!

Short messages

Jan FRANLUND resigned as convenor of WG8. The decision on the deletion of the work item(s) was taken by unanimity.
CEN/TC 319 Maintenance agreed to stop the investigation about the possibilities to propose EN 15628:2014 as ISO standard.
Contact persons for the TC in liaison:
. Guido WALT - CEN TC 348 and ISO TC 267
. Kari KOMONEN - ISO TC 251
. TC 319 Secretariat - IEC TC 56.
The organisation of a European conference for promoting "Maintenance Standards" was discussed. It should reach a maximum of stakeholders.

Participants of the meeting are in good shape. From left to right:<BR>
 Thomas Meiren, Kari Komonen, Antoine Despujols, Flor Angela Quintero,<BR>
 Thomas Anlahr, Roberto Ravaglia, Franco Santini, Francesco Cangialosi.<BR>
 Photo: Guido Walt
Participants of the meeting are in good shape. From left to right:
Thomas Meiren, Kari Komonen, Antoine Despujols, Flor Angela Quintero,
Thomas Anlahr, Roberto Ravaglia, Franco Santini, Francesco Cangialosi.
Photo: Guido Walt

Franco Santini, Chairman CEN/TC 319; right: Saverio Albanese, Convenor CEN/TC 319 - WG 3 "Maintenance Agreements".

The show must go on - or - how to motivate an audiance.


Structure of CEN/TC 319:

WG2 Documents for maintenance - EN 13460:2009 Maintenance – Documentation for maintenance.
WG3 Maintenance Agreements - EN 13269:2006 Maintenance.
WG4 Terminology - EN 13306:2010 Maintenance – Maintenance terminology.
WG6 Maintenance performance and indicators - EN 15341:2007 Maintenance – Maintenance key performance indicators.
WG7 Maintenance of buildings - EN 15331:2011 Criteria for design, management and control of maintenance services for buildings.
WG8 Maintenance management - closed.
WG9 Qualification of maintenance personnel - EN 15628:2014 Maintenance - Qualification of maintenance personnel.
WG10 Maintenance within a physical asset management - EN 16646:2014 Maintenance within physical asset management.
WG11 Condition assessment methodology.
WG12 Risk based inspection framework RBIF.
WG13 Maintenance processes.

5. Ordentliche Generalversammlung

22 April 2015, Luzern (Schweiz)

Bahnhof Luzern.
Bahnhof Luzern.

links: Susanne Baumann, Präsidentin fmpro; rechts: Rainer Artho, Geschäftsführer fmpro.

links: Nicole Piot, Vorsitz Redaktionskommission; rechts: Thomas Roth, Ressort Bildung fmpro.

EFNMS General Assembly

31 March 2015, Antwerp (Belgium)

Antwerp just before the arrival of Niklas Orkan.
Antwerp just before the arrival of Niklas Orkan.


left: the Chairman Herman Baets (BE); right: David Merbecks (DE)
left: the Chairman Herman Baets (BE); right: David Merbecks (DE)

left: Jan Franlund (SE) presenting the Certification activities; right: Per Scholberg (NO) presenting a new Cost Project.

left: Cosmas Vamvalis (GR) presenting EuroMaintenance 2016 in Athens;
right: Antoine Despujols from EdF (FR) borrowing Belgian electrones for his labtop.

Evening event after the General Assembly in the City Hall

left: Welcome Address Speech by the Debuty Maire; right: Cosmas Vamvalis (GR) and Georg Skroubelos (GR).

left: Guido Walt (CH), Mrs. Frkovic (HR), Gerardo Alvarez Cuervo (ES), Luis Andrade Ferreira (PT),
Drago Frkovic (HR) and Cosmas Vamvalis (GR);
right: Jan Franlund (SE), Kari Komonen (FI) and Professor Ivo Cala (HR).

left: Professor Hana Pacaiova (SK);
right: Kari Komonen (FI), Luis Andrade Ferreira (PT), Ilkka Palsola (FI) and Gerardo Alvarez Cuervo (ES).

Test: These shoes go with which picture?
Test: These shoes go with which picture?

maintenance Schweiz 2015

11 und 12 Februar 2015, Halle 3, Messe Zürich,
Zürich, Schweiz.

Der Ausstellungsstand von fmpro

Links: Herr Kühnis, Chef Redaktor "fmpro services" und Herr Artho, CEO fmpro.
Rechts: VEMT Datenbank: Herr Herbert Kessler beim Testen seiner Kompetenzen im Bereich Instandhaltung.

Links: Stand "Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften" mit Prof. Chr. Heitz.
Rechts: VEMT Databank: Eine Software für das Messen von Kompetenz in der Instandhaltung - Nach Themen gelistete Resultate eines Testteilnehmers.

Science Center
Anforderungen an den Instandhalter von heute

Welche Handlungskompetenzen werden in der heutigen Zeit von Instandhaltungsfachleuten und -leitern erwartet? Wie hat sich dieses Berufsbild in den vergangenen Jahren verändert und was sind die aktuellen Herausforderungen in der Praxis? Ein Blick über die Grenzen zeigt auf, wie der Beruf des Instandhalters in der Europäischen Norm EN 15628:2014 definiert wird und welches Anforderungsprofil in internationalen Ausbildungen gestellt wird.

17 Europäische Länder anerkennen EN 15628 - 2014:
Zypern (CYS), Czech Republik (UNMZ), Finnland (SFS), Deutschland (DIN), Griechenland (ELOT), Irland (NSAI), Italien (UNI), Lettland (LVS), Niederlande (NEN), Norwegen (SN), Polen (PKN), Rumänien (ASRO), Slowakei (SUTN), Spain (AENOR), Schweden (SIS), Schweiz (SNV), UK (BSI).

Referenten fmpro
Rainer Artho, fmpro
Guido Walt, Wear-Management
Hanspeter Gross, Lista AG

Fachkompetente Forum-Teilnehmer.
Fachkompetente Forum-Teilnehmer.

maintenance Schweiz 2016,
10. und 11. Februar 2016
Messe Zürich, Halle 3

Für mehr Information oder technische Beratung, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns.

Last update: January 7, 2016

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