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Highlights 2007

Un amico è come il sole: che tu lo veda o no, c'è sempre !

OMAINTEC 6 - Conference and Exhibition
The 6th International Operation and Maintenance Conference in the Arab Countries

03 to 05 December 2007
Le Meridien Hotel
Amman - The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Slyline seen from DownTown, Amman
Slyline seen from DownTown, Amman

Operation & maintenance departments in the major organizations in the Arab countries are still optimizing the best cost ­effective methods to operate and maintain their facilities to keep their productivity and services in a way to assure the fulfillment of facilities long run goals.
The complexity of modern machinery and equipment has led to the recognition that industry requires dedicated and professional management since in many companies, current trends are intensifying the pressure to improve performance in all areas of business. (Text OMAINTEC 2007)


OMAINTEC 6 under the slogan "Cost Effective Maintenance" presented real case studies in the field of Operation and Maintenance and was an excellent platform for discussing effective ways to overcome problems and proposing co-operative mechanisms among participants. (Text OMAINTEC 2007)

Award Ceremony during the Gala Dinner
Award Ceremony during the Gala Dinner


19 and 20 October 2007, Wroclaw (Poland)


Bryarlie Dear (AFIM) has decided to leave the Board of Directors.
Bryarlie Dear (AFIM) has decided to leave the Board of Directors.

Antoine Despujols (AFIM), the new member of the Board of Directors.
Antoine Despujols (AFIM), the new member of the Board of Directors.

EuroMaint - Leonardo Da Vinci Project

6 October 2007
4th meeting

Stockholm - Harbour
Stockholm - Harbour

Report - Work Package 2: Professional competences

MBA as a new model for Training:

Maintenance Management is really very interdisciplinary, it includes to-day a lot of competencies and skills,as

  • Leadership / Human resources
  • Asset Management / Facility Management
  • Project Management
  • Quality Management (TQM)
  • Safety Management
  • Safety Management Audit in the Process Industry
  • Risk Management /- Assessment
  • Environmental Management
  • Support and Resource Management
  • Change Management
  • Visual Management (TPM)
  • Financial Management
  • Business and Administration
  • Responsibility and Decision Making
  • Contingency Management (heavy accidents)

Guidelines for Maintenance Management Courses - Competences on European level :

There is an increased need to an international employment for Maintenance managers and engineers due to globalisation. The market is global - then, the education must be global, too.

  • A. Organisation and Maintenance Management
  • B. Operation Management
  • C. Information systems
  • D. Financial concerns
  • E. Human and Material Resources
  • F. Laws and regulations
  • G. Entrepreneurship

Some general remarks

Maintenance Managers would like to have a vision for the further personal development. This means that we should offer a large education portfolio.
Maintenance Managers should be positioned on management level within companies. This means that they have good knowledge in financial concerns and Business / Administration.
Maintenance objectives are related to company and production objectives.
Maintenance Management is an important part of the Integrated Quality Management (Quality Management, Environment, Occupational Safety and Health Management as well as Social Responsibility.

Guido Walt, project leader, work package 2

CEN/TC 319 Maintenance
European Committee for Standardization (CEN)

17th Plenary Meeting
26 September 2007, University "La Sapienza", Rom

University "La Sapienza", Faculty of Engineering, Rome

CEN TC 319, Auswerten der Resultate nach dem Meeting.
CEN TC 319, Auswerten der Resultate nach dem Meeting.

New item: Healthcare service Maintenance and Responsibilities in the Management of Technology

The identification of responsibilities in a complex context such as the health sector requires both technical and juridical knowledge, with special reference to the evolution of norms and technology, which has developed considerably, moreover, in recent years.
Convention, 2007 May 24th, Italian Ministry of Infrastructures.

European Facility Management Conference 2007

26 and 27 June 2007,
ETH Zürich,

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich.

Dr. Kjell A. Nordström, Institute of International Business, Stockholm School of Economics:<BR>
Dr. Kjell A. Nordström, Institute of International Business, Stockholm School of Economics:
"Create your temporary monopoly !"

Keys of success in business:
Best solutions are: "female - personnel - emotional - simple".
Freedom has four dimensions: "to know - to be - to go - to do".
Best products are: "female - personnel - emotional - simple".

Booth of the National Hosts<BR>
Booth of the National Hosts
"female - personnel - emotional - simple"!

Poster gallery

Students from all over Europe presented their study/research findings in the poster gallery. The five best posters were announced during the closing plenary session.

Poster presentation during the closing plenary session.
Poster presentation during the closing plenary session.

Poster presentation during the closing plenary session.
Poster presentation during the closing plenary session.

The winners from the University of Applied Sciences Waedenswil.
The winners from the University of Applied Sciences Waedenswil.

EuroMaint - Leonardo Da Vinci Project

2 June 2007
3rd meeting
Hilten Copenhagen Airport Hotel

Copenhagen Airport, view from the meeting place
Copenhagen Airport, view from the meeting place

This Leonardo Da Vinci Project started December 2006 and will last until autumn 2008.

Major aims of this project:
• Listing the required professional and general competences of engineers and managers involved in the maintenance process.
• International consensus on the list.
• A definition and procedure for a Personal Development Plan for developing the required competences.
• Gathering educational materials to learn the required competences
• Integration in the European Qualification-system.

There is an increased need to an international employment for Maintenance managers and engineers due to globalisation. In the frame of this project EuroMaint, the requirement of competencies for maintenance managers and engineers, including a procedure for a Personal Development Plan are discussed and focused on industrial needs.

The whole project is divided in 7 Work Packages:
1. Determination competences on National level
2. Determination competences on European level
3. Educational products to develop required competences
4. Curriculum leading to European qualification
5. Procedure for developing a Personal Competence Plan
6. European Qualification system including assessment methods
7. Business plan with financial agreements.

Mr. Palle Grøndahl, DDV; explaining results from Work Package 1
Mr. Palle Grøndahl, DDV; explaining results from Work Package 1

Work Packages 1 and 2
In step 1 and 2, a lot of discussions are focused on the image of Maintenance in the industrial world and the profile of Maintenance Management and the corresponding Manager.

Project partners EuroMaint:
Denmark, Holland, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and the European Federation of National Maintenance Societies (EFNMS).


25. und 26. Mai, 2007, Dublin

Vorbereitung der Meetings,<BR>
 Kari Komonen, SF
Vorbereitung der Meetings,
Kari Komonen, SF

Mr. Hans Klemme Wolff wurde zum neuen Vorsitzenden der EFNMS Generalversammlung gewählt.<BR>
 Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Mr. Hans Klemme Wolff wurde zum neuen Vorsitzenden der EFNMS Generalversammlung gewählt.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Treffen des European Training Committee EFNMS<BR>
 Mladen Jakovci, HR; Vaclav Legat, CZ and Tomás Hladik, CZ; behind Robert O'Connor, IE<BR>
 Das neue Thema: e-learning
Treffen des European Training Committee EFNMS
Mladen Jakovci, HR; Vaclav Legat, CZ and Tomás Hladik, CZ; behind Robert O'Connor, IE
Das neue Thema: e-learning

TPM Round Table mit dem JIPM

10. Mai 2007, 15h00 bis 19h00
Hotel Bellevue, Bern
Mr. Yoshitaka Murase,
Senior Counserlor of the Japanese Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM)

Die Tradition von Fortschritt mit 3 "Nullen" wird durch die folgenden drei Schritte erreicht:
- Identifikation der Verluste
- Sichtbarmachen der Verluste
- Visual Management.

Mr. Yoshitaka Murase:
Mr. Yoshitaka Murase: "Qualität ist ein Balaceakt - Qualitätsnormen sind der Schlüssel zum Erfolg !"

Fokus auf "drei Null", das heisst: keine Unfälle - keine Maschinendefekte - keine Produktionsausfälle.

Integrales Denken und Handeln in der Instandhaltung

2. und 3. Mai 2007, MAV (Ungarische Staatsbahnen) - Budapest

Hochgeschwindigkeits-Dampflokomotive: v max. 168 km/h
Hochgeschwindigkeits-Dampflokomotive: v max. 168 km/h

Hochgeschwindigkeits-Dampflokomotive: Anrieb
Hochgeschwindigkeits-Dampflokomotive: Anrieb

CEN/TC 319 Instandhaltung
Europäisches Komitee für Normung (CEN)

16. Plenarsitzung
23. und 24. April 2007, Paris

Die Gute Nachricht:
Der Technische Rapport prCEN/TR 15628 - Maintenance – "Qualification of Maintenance personnel" wurde vom CEN/TC 319 verabschiedet und wird veröffentlicht werden.

Die Schwedische Delegation
Die Schwedische Delegation

Nach der Abstimmung!
Nach der Abstimmung!

GV MFS 2007

34. ordentliche Generalversammlung 2007
19. April 2007 im Stade de Suisse, Bern

Die Französische Schweiz war ausgezeichnet vertreten.<BR>
 Die Delegation Nestlé mit Herrn Rolf Hausherr links im Bild
Die Französische Schweiz war ausgezeichnet vertreten.
Die Delegation Nestlé mit Herrn Rolf Hausherr links im Bild

Rücktritt von Guido Walt, Wear-Management und Rolf Hausherr, Nestlé SA aus dem Vorstand MFS
Nach über 19 Jahren im Vorstand der MFS hat der bisherige Präsident Guido Walt der Generalversammlung 2007 seinen Rücktritt bekannt gegeben. Guido Walt leitete die Geschicke der MFS seit 1990 als sehr aktiver und umsichtiger Präsident. Unter seiner Präsidentschaft hat sich die MFS zu einem bedeutenden Branchen und Fachverband in Instandhaltung und Facility Management entwickelt. In die Amtszeit von Guido Walt fallen unter anderem der Ausbau der internationalen Kontakte der MFS, die Durchführung verschiedener nationaler und internationaler Kongresse, sowie der Aufbau und die Implementierung der Berufsbilder Instandhaltungsfachleute, Instandhaltungsleiter/innen und Leiter/innen in Facility Management.
(red. mfs)

Frau Beatrice Cantieni-Wolf, FM Schweiz, optimiert die Energiewirtschaft der Schweiz!
Frau Beatrice Cantieni-Wolf, FM Schweiz, optimiert die Energiewirtschaft der Schweiz!

Board of Directors, EFNMSvzw

30 März 2007, Antwerpen

Bierdegustation, ein Muss in Belgien !
Bierdegustation, ein Muss in Belgien !

Maintenance in the Boardroom

Organisiert durch BEMAS
29. März 2007, Antwerpen

Sprecher: Marc Descheemaecker - Chief Executive Officer, NMBS:
"In den nächsten Jahren werden viele ältere Mitarbeiter pensioniert werden.
Junge Leute müssen wir unbedingt für die technischen Berufe motivieren."

Herr Marc Descheemaecker, NMBS (rechts im Bild)
Herr Marc Descheemaecker, NMBS (rechts im Bild)

easyfairs Maintenance

28. und 29. März 2007, Antwerp EXPO

Antwerp EXPO
Antwerp EXPO

Interessierte Besucher
Interessierte Besucher

Alle waren happy!
Alle waren happy!

European Training Committee EFNMS

16 March 2007,
Institution of Electrical Engineers offices in Savoy Place, London

Discussion about an e-learning concept
Discussion about an e-learning concept

European Training Committee EFNMS, London, März 2007<BR>
 Experten von UK, Norwegen, Kroatien, Schweden, Dänemark, Schweiz, Tschechien, Norwegen, Dänemark (von links nach rechts).
European Training Committee EFNMS, London, März 2007
Experten von UK, Norwegen, Kroatien, Schweden, Dänemark, Schweiz, Tschechien, Norwegen, Dänemark (von links nach rechts).

Für mehr Information oder technische Beratung, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns.

Last update: September 7, 2015

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