Un amico è come il sole: che tu lo veda o no, c'è sempre !
PILE UP Final Conference
All-round Operator and Maintenance Technician in the Chemical Industry
Christmas tree - Grande place, Bruxelles.
5 December 2013, University Stichting, Brussels
- Pile Up - Why, how, what? by Manfred van Kreeke
- Reporting for the operator part
- Reporting for the part "Maintenance Technician
- Panel discussion
- Conclusion and next steps.
from left: Paolo Cueno (IT), Federchimica; Frans Rosendaal (NL), Dr. W. Kolb Nederland BV,
Sven Ebert (DE), Sächsische Bildungsgesellschaft für Umweltschutz und Chemieberufe Dresden mbH.
PILE UP developed European Learning Units for Process Operators and Maintenance technicians
in the Chemical Industry.
from left: Frans Rosendaal (NL); Rene Dinisse (NL); Chris Mil (NL).
PILE UP Final Meeting
All-round Operator and Maintenance Technician in the Chemical Industry
4 December 2013, Neth-ER, Brussels
Final Pile Up project meeting
left: Marcin Siwiec (PL), TRENO GROOP.
Closing the Skills Gap
The aim of the Pile Up project was to develop common European units of learning outcomes
that can be used to gain insight into and assess the skills and competences of workers
in the chemical industry. This should enable them to PILE them UP to reach a higher level
of qualification and consequently increase the chances of mobility of the workforce
within Europe.
Last Project Dinner
left: The Pile Up team enjoying the meal. right: The controller’s tasks are going on.
3. IHRUS-Fachtagung - Workshop 3
Education in maintenance
14 November2013, Verkehrshaus Luzern - Switzerland
Nice view from the Congress Center - Verkehrshaus, Luzern.
Basics and targets: Dirk Bödeker
Education in Switzerland: Hansmartin Alder
Overview about the Swiss education system: Rolf Gutzwiller
Education in Maintenance: Guido Walt
Processes in the group of Guido Walt:
The following aspects were discussed:
Role of qualification: Basics - Continuous education - Career
Jobpotential: Variety of tasks - Responsibility and Competencies - Career
Values: Social values - Autonomy - Attracting former collaborators / employees.
Continuous education must be based on:
- Modularity for generalists and specialists
- Actual professional competencies (for example RAMS)
- Basics and methodes in maintenance including systematic Fault Finding Techniques combined
with Data analysis.
Philipp Glock presenting the group results.
More than 30 participants.
More information
VEMT meeting
Validation of Maintenance Technicians
29 and 30 October 2013,
Norwegian Maintenance Society, Lysaker / Oslo, Norway
The new opera of Oslo, built on 2007 by Kjetil Traedal Thorsen (NO) and his Snohetta team.
Johan Asmundvaag, General Manager of the Technical Societies with a turnover of 43,3 Mio NOK.
Development of quality criteria for assessments of Maitenance Personnel.
Our chairman, best positioned.
CEN/TC 319, Working Group 9 "Qualification of Maintenance Personnel"
Meeting, 09 October 2013, UNI, Milan
Indian summer in Milan.
prEN 15628 "Maintenance – Qualification of maintenance personnel" is in progress.
During this meting, all comments were discussed and the document was finalized.
The resulting text (as FprEN 15628) will be proposed for formal vote.
11th National Congress of TnPM
25 to 28 September 2013
Guilin, China.
Li river.
Key note speakers
left: Professor Baowen Li, Chairman of the congress committee - right: Mr. Yonghong Li, Yanjing Beer Inc. Co.
left: Mr. Hongjun Yao, Chairman of OWER KERNBORGE - right: Associate Professor Baoqiang Xu, Secretary-General, Congress Committee.
International participation
left: Mr. Anding Lin, Taiwan CTPM Committee Vice-Secretary-General - right: Ross Kennedy (AU), President of CTPM Australasia with Zoe Zhou, CTPM.
Topic Summit Forum
Paul Gibbons (UK): 19 steps of Airport Maintenance in London Gatwick Airport
Ross Kennedy (AU): Key learnings from Implementing TPM in Australasia
Guido Walt (CH): Competence and evaluation of maintenance managers
Paul Gibbons (UK): Calculation and improvement of OEE.
left: Mr. Mingzhe Huang, Vice-Secretary-General of Taiwan CTPM Committee - right: Mr. Paul Gibbons (UK), Eqzipment Maintenance Operation Director, London Airport.
TnPM Meritorious Leader Awards Ceremony
TnPM Meritorious Leader Awards Ceremony.
More than 500 participants followed the Congress.
Congress Dinner
Four different ethnics enrich the culture of Guilin.
Night tour of Guilin Two-rivers&Four-lakes
Li river.
The 3rd Equipment Maintenance & Advanced Information Technology Exhibition
The exhibition hall.
Flag-giving Ceremony of transferrig the flag to the next host
Next host: China Tobacco Anhui Industrial Co., Ltd, Hefei Cigarettes Factory.
Professional visit of the Yanjing Beer Inc. Co.
Beer - Beer - Beer !
Dinner after the Congress
Relaxing after four excellent days.
Fun and relaxing after the event
The Li River near Fish City.
left: Prof. Li Baowen, Monster University (MU) - right: The nicest monsters , the Congress staff !
World Maintenance Forum 2013
04 to 06 September 2013
Palazzo dei Congressi, Lugano - Switzerland.
Opening by the chairman Dr. Emanuele Carpanzano, SUPSI, Switzerland.
Plenary Session
left: Claudio R. Boer (SUPSI) - presenting Dr. Theodor Bühler (CH) - right: Christer Idhammar, ID Con, Inc (USA)
left: Satoshi Suzuoki, JIPM (Japan) - right: Mark Broussard, SAMI (USA)
Come together
Li Baowen (CN) and Jens Reichel (DE)
Right: Zensuke Matsuda (JP), Center: Tsutomu Nakamura, TPM (JP)
Antonella and Andrea Maciga (IT) together with Li Baowen (CN).
Prof. Christoph Heitz (CH) with Chris Rijdijk (NL).
Just a little bit of fun - Dr. Madani (KSA), Dr. Zohair Al Sarraj (KSA) and Alan Wilson (UK).
Come together Apero at Parco Ciani: Think global and act local.
More than 100 speakers from 20 countries:
Austria, Canada, China, Denmark, Eirland, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA.
Apero Hotel de la Paix - before the Cala Dinner
Declaration of Lugano
During the period of 4 to 6 September 2013, the World Maintenance Forum held in
Lugano, Switzerland, under the auspice of the WMF and SUPSI University, announced
the formation of the International Maintenance Association IMA with the vision to:
"Global Platform for Knowledge Exchange of Effective Maintenance Practices and Management".
The Goals of the Association are to:
- Develop and promote the appropriate use of effective methods and tools to maintain facilities
and machinery, etc.
- Develop the knowledge of the latest techniques and research in maintenance science and
Founding members are comprised of, Institutions, Research and Development, Academics, Enterprises and
Individuals from various world regions collaborated to form the International Maintenance Association (IAM).
The Founding Members comprise:
- Dr. Mohamad Fouzan, Arab Countries, Arab Institute of Operation and Maintenance
- Dr. Emanuele Carpanzano, Switzerland, SUPSI University
- Dr. Zohair Al Sarraj, KSA, CEO Specialist Group
- Prof. Li Baowen, China, Guangzhou University
- Mr. Guido Walt, Switzerland, Wear-Management
- Dr. Alan Wilson, UK, Carmichael Smith Ltd.
The Founding Members announced the formation of an interim Board of Directors (BoD) that will serve for
two years and function to manage the institutional phase of the Association. It was agreed to nominate
an additional representative in the Board by each Founding Member, therey the Interim Board would
comprise Twelve (12) members. Additional members could be added to the Board as required to a total of
Twenty (20) members.
World maintenance forum (WMF) will be the biannual Congress of the IMA. The Venue and date will be announced later.
Founding Members appointed Dr. Zohair Al Sarraj to act as the IMA Chairman for the Interim Period.
signed: the Founding Members - Lugano, on 6 September 2013.
Dr. Emanuele Carpanzano signing the declaration of Lugano.
The Cala diner
The president Dr. Zohair Al Sarraj (KSA) of the new "International Maintenance Association" (IAM),
presenting the declaration of Lugano.
Workshop – Training and education on 6 September 2013
This workshop was a product of the program "LEONARDO DA VINCI PARTNERSHIPS VocTrainMaint"
Thesis: Europe needs about 100,000 new multi skilled practical working maintenance technicians per
year to cover the needs after retirements and promotions. Additional 100,000 automation
technician will also be needed.
VocTrainMaint- Leonardo da Vinci Project: Curricula for Vocational Training in Maintenance
In the frame of the VocTrainMaint project, curricula were developed for vocational training in maintenance.
Based on extensive input from both industrial professionals and academic institutes the following technical
programmes were developed:
- Maintenance Technician at EQF-level 5
- Vocational Teachers in Maintenance at EQF-level 6
- Maintenance mechanics and electrician (automation) at EQF-level 4.
Workshop Part I: How to implement World Class Maintenance in training
World Class Maintenance: Per Schjolberg, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Market needs: Guido Walt, Wear-Management, Switzerland
Validation in maintenance: Ingemar Andreason, EURIAC - European LdV developments - VocTrainMaint, Sweden
Leonardo Da Vinci - Pile-Up in Process Industry: Guido Walt, Wear-Management, Switzerland.
Workshop Part II: How to implement World Class Maintenance in training
Curricula for Vocational Training in Maintenance: Donal Nolan, IIE, Ireland
Validation in Maintenance – ValidMaint: Ingemar Andréason, EURIAC - European LdV developments – VocTrainMaint, Sweden
EFNMS certification: Per Schjoldberg, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.
The participants liked this workshop.
CEN/TC 319 Maintenance
European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
19th Plenary Meeting
03 September 2013, SUPSI, Manno - Lugano, Switzerland
Fresh wind in CEN/TC 319 !
Short messages
New convenor for CEN/TC 319, WG 3 for the revision of EN 13269:2006.
Prof. Claudio Rolandi (IT) - Convenor CEN/TC 319 WG 3 - presenting the project for revising EN 13269.
CEN/TC 319/WG 11 - Condition assessment methodologies is progressing.
Convenor: Piet Backer (NL), Convenor CEN/TC 319, WG 11.
New Working Group: WG 12 - Risk based inspection framework.
Aleksandar Jovanovich (NL, DE), Convenor CEN/TC 319, WG 12
New Working Group: W 13 - Maintenance process
Antoine Despujols (FR) , Convenor CEN/TC 319, WG 13, presenting the French project about Maintenance processes.
left: The chairman Franco Santini (IT).
OMAINTEC 2013 - Conference and Exhibition
11th Operation and Maintenance Conference in the Arab Countries
11 to 14 May 2013, Hilton Hotel, Jeddah, KSA
The Conference started with 9 workshop:
1. Competence Development for Maintenance Technicians and Maintenance Supervisors: Guido Walt (CH)
2. Maintenance and Repair of Concrete Underwater: Dr. Hyuck-Woo Kwon (Korea)
3. London Gatwick Airports Approach to Asset Management Governance and Improvement: Dr. Paul Martin Gibbons (UK)
4. Bridge and Structures Maintenance (part 1): Prof. Mufid Samarai (Iraq)
5. Training and Qualifying Maintenance Engineers and Staff: Eng. Andrea Spiriti (IT)
6. Assessing Asset Criticality and Risk to Optimize Asset Management Delivery: Dr. Paul Martin Gibbons (UK)
7. Bridge and Structures Maintenance (part 2): Prof. Mufid Samarai (Iraq)
8. Benefits and Scope of Computer Systems Application within Asset Maintenanec Management: Dr. Alan Wilson (UK)
9. Creating Sustainability FM operations strategy in Tall Buildings: Eng. Ali Al-Suwaidi (UAE).
Education and Training:
Competence development for Maintenance Technicians and Maintenance Supervisors
Workshop Education and Training
1. Terms and definitions.
2. Tasks of Maintenance Technicians, Supervisors and Engineers.
3. Required competencies of Maintenance Technicians, Supervisors and Engineers, based on maintenance and companies’ objectives.
4. Skills and knowledge.
5. Learning outcomes – a paradigm change.
6. Discussion and summary.
Workshop instructor: Guido Walt
Annual Assembly Meeting of the OMAINTEC Institute Members
A lot of actual items were discussed, such as:
- Education and qualification of Maintenance Managers and Technicians
- Guidelines fof Maintenance Contracts
- New technologies and sustainability
- Maintenance Concepts, etc.
Arab News (14 May 2013) published an article about unemployment which has reached in Saudi Arabia
10.5 %. Rising unemployment triggered government efforts to replace more and more expatriate labor with Saudis.
Education and Qualification of Maintenance Personnel could be a modest contribution to government´s efforts.
Visit of the Saline Water Corversion Corporation, Jeddah
Dislocation to the plant
VEMT meeting
Validation of Maintenance Technicians
29 and 30 April 2013, NH Brussels Airport
European Parliament
Project objective
Development of an outstanding multiple choice procedure for assessing Maintenance Technicians
(EQF level 4) and Maintenance Technicians Specialists and Maintenance Supervisors (EQF level 5).
The assessments can be used for competence improvement and qualification of
Maintenance Personnel.
The team
left: Per Schjolberg (NO) and Ingemar Andreasson (SE), right: Juraj Grencik, (SK)
left: Donal Nolan (IR), right: Martti Niemelä (FI)
left: Wim Vancauwenberghe (BE), right: Ingemar Andreasson, Project leader (SE)
Content of the meeting
The focus of the meeting was to install a system for quality control.
The key for quality lies in the manner how questions and answers are formulated.
The aim is to assess knowledge and practical skills allowing to get a competence picture.
The chapters are related to the VocTrainMaint classification. Also, the VocTrainMaint learning outcomes will be used.
Special care will be given to terminology, e.g. EN 13306:2010 and prEN 15628:2012.
3rd General Assembly fmPro 2013
09 April 2013, Bern University Hospital
Mrs. Susanne Baumann is the new president of fmPro.
left: Election of Susanne Baumann, right: The board 2013, fmPro
PILE UP Interim Meeting
All-round Operator and Maintenance Technician in the Chemical Industry
14 March 2013, Neth-ER, Brussels
Place de Luxembourg with the Neth-ER office.
Objective of the PILE UP project
The PILE UP objective is to implement units of learning outcomes in VET
for upgrading skilled workers, by generating
- a common understanding of competence profiles
- useful units of learning outcomes for All-Round Process Operators EQF level 3 / 4
- useful units of learning outcomes for Maintenance Technician EQF level 4, and
- disseminating project results which can directly be implemented in practice by the sector.
Presentations about the current status of the project
Introduction by the project manager Manfred Van De Kreeke (NL).
Jochen Seibold (DE) presenting the algorithm for the creation of Learning Outcomes.
Manfred Van De Kreeke (NL) presenting the steps to create Units of Learning Outcomes.
Wim Vancauwenberghe (BE) presenting the Learning Outcomes on Maintenance Technician level.
Assessment tools
for knowledge assessment:
- multiple choice
- written test with open questions
- interview
for skills:
- theoretical questions
- execution in practical environment
- observation
for competence:
- observation in standardised tests
- observation in practice.
Activities to be done
- Assessments in companies
- Evaluation of test results
- Recommendations for using the Units of Learning Outcomes
- Implementation of the Units of Learning Outcomes
- Implementation of the Assessment Tools.
Open discussions
There was enough time for open discussions.
For further information, on-site training, technical advise or project management, please do not hesitate to
contact us.