Smooth Fox Terrier - Glatthaar Foxterrier - Foxterrier poile lisse
Breeding station Switzerland „du Chateau de la Sarraz“ (FCI) since 2006
Guido Walt
CH-1302 Vufflens-la-Ville, Switzerland
Fix: 0041 21 701 05 13
Mobile: 0041 79 677 47 13 and 0041 78 638 15 99
Born: 10 February 2017
Father: Arvania's Midas (FCI), SHSB 721062
Mother: Duchesse du Château de la Sarraz, SHSB 698065)
The 2nd day:
Appeasing thirst.
3 weeks later:
Happy days.
At the age of 1 month:
left: first going out with grandmother; right: the whole family together.
After 5 weeks:
left: Filia du Château de la Sarraz; right: Déjeuner champètre.
After 6 weeks:
left: Pleasure on the diagonal; right: Fleck and Fillis, hard workers.
Fillis and Fleck in the flowers.
left: Fleur du Château de la Sarraz; right: Fleur du Château de la Sarraz.
After 7 weeks:
left: Baika with grand children; right: A little break.
left: Fillis du Château de la Sarraz; right: In the nature.
After 2 months:
left: Gruppo Fox; right: ... and the flowers !
Fillis and Fleur.
left: Duchesse and Fleck; right: High ligth with Baika
left: Fleck; right: in the garden.
Filia and Fleur in high tension.
After 3 months:
Here, we are.
Morning workout.
Short familly outing.
After 16 weeks
Happy Fox Terriers.
Bath in the sun.
A very nice day.
We want to go on holiday ....!
Holiday in Graubünden
Great holiday.
Duchesse du Château de la Sarraz (FCI)
Duchesse du Château de la Sarraz (FCI), SHSB/LOS 698065)
born: 20 January 2011
Exhibition: 2012: Fribourg - Qualification: excellent
father: Agria Hello Goodbye, SHSB 678768 MET SF 5518/04, Int.-Champion
grandfather: Agria Giorgio Armani, MET SF 5306/03, H-Jagd-Chamion, USA- and GB-Champion
grandmother: Qualla v. d. Bismarckquelle, MET SF 5416/03
mother: Baika (Betti vom Trüllikerberg (FCI), SHSB 625347)
grandfather: Hasko v. Salmengrund, SHSB 594541 VDH DFZB 991071, JP
grandmother: Anja v. Scherfeder Wald, SHSB 558640 VDH DFZB 971225, JP, SwP 500m
Photo: 11-03-2016
Duchesse du Château de la Sarraz, on the right with her mother Baika.
Duchesse du Château de la Sarraz on the Landquart riverside.
Baika (Betti vom Trüllikerberg (FCI)
Baika (Betti vom Trüllikerberg (FCI), SHSB 625347)
born: 28 October 2003
2004: Kaiserstuhl - Qualification: excellent
father: Hasko v. Salmengrund, SHSB 594541 VDH DFZB 991071, JP
grandfather: Ronni v. Scherfeder Wald, VDH DFZB 941105, JP, BP, SL, ZP SwH, SJ, LT, Spl
grandmother: Aika von Salmengrung, VDH DFZB 941426, JP, BP
mother: Anja v. Scherfeder Wald, SHSB 558640 VDH DFZB 971225, JP, SwP 500m
Photo: 24-12-2006
Born: 20 January 2011
Father: Ch. Agria Hello Goodbye, SHSB 678768
Mother: Baika (Betti vom Trüllikerberg (FCI), SHSB 625347)
The 2nd day.
Der 20th day.
First exploration.
Dali, Diane, Duchesse, Divine et Drall (left to right).
The 34th day.
Diane du Château de la Sarraz in a complex terrain.
Small talk.
Dali et Duchesse.
Where is the snack?
Baika and Dali.
Lunch in the garden.
Water without gas.
Fully occupied.
1st Travel to Basel.
Dali du Château de la Sarraz.
Drall du Château de la Sarraz - always occupied.
National exhibition Aarau, 25 June 2011
Drall: Preparing the presentation.
Juge: S. Delmar (EI); Results: Dali, Drall and Duchesse: All three very promizing.
International Exhibition, 26 February 2012, Fribourg / Switzerland
Results: Duchesse du Château de la Sarraz; Juge Mr. M.P. Machetanz (DE)
Duchesse du Château de la Sarraz in the Ring of Honor.
Spring time 2012
Baika (left) and Duchesse (right): Ballet dancers.
Bonitation of Duchesse du Château de la Sarraz.
Sommer holiday 2012.
Winter 2012 / 2013
Learning by doing: Cyno Club Bussigny.
Born: 09 November 2008
Father: Arvania's Boreas (FCI), SHSB 602002
Mother: Baika (Betti vom Trüllikerberg (FCI), SHSB 625347)
Here I am, my name Cibèle.
In the snow
Yes, I can
Let's play!
Eating snow - like mam.
Born: 23 Septembre 2007
Father: Arvania's Boreas (FCI), SHSB 602002
Mother: Baika (Betti vom Trüllikerberg (FCI), SHSB 625347)
First meal
BBC News
No Easy Way Out
Life is serous (exercise)
What about Tarzan
Our apartment - in the sun
We are in holiday
Baryton is flying
Braque in upper-level dressage
Braque - my friend!
Brio (1 and a half old), on the track.
Cani'Bulle 2009, 27 juin 2009 à Bulle
L'équipe - Arko, Baryton et Brio du Château de la Sarraz.
Classe ouverte:
- Brio du Château de la Sarraz: excellent 1, meilleur mâle, CAC.
- Baryton du Château de la Sarraz: excellent 2.
- Arko du Château de la Sarraz: très bien.
Jeune chiens:
- Cybèle du Château de la Sarraz: très promettante, meilleure de sa classe.
Born: 14 janvier 2006
father: Too Much des Breil des Elfes, SHSB 617695
mother: Baika (Betti vom Trüllikerberg (FCI), SHSB 625347)
All youngsters found outstanding places.
Welcome on our website
Willkommen auf userer Homepage
Bienvenue sur notre site web
Photo: 12-02-2006
Aufzucht in der Familie
Elevage familial
Photo: 25-02-2006
Mamma ist ok!
Une super-maman!
Photo: 25-02-2006
Rammeln im Schnee
La neige nous plaît
Photo: 03-03-2006
A deux, c'est mieux!
Photo: 03-03-2006
Je suis Aladin
Photo: 06-03-2006
Je suis Alibaba
Photo: 06-03-2006
Je suis Anka
Photo: 06-03-2006
Je suis Artiste
Photo: 06-03-2006
Je suis Astérix
Photo: 06-03-2006
En vadrouille! Astérix-Arko-Aladin-Maman
Photo: 06-03-2006
Baika und Aladin: Aladin wird bald zu seinem neuen Meister ziehen!
Baika et Aladin: Aladin partira bientôt chez son nouveau maître!
Photo: May 2006
Baika et Aladin: Aladin ist bei Baika in den Ferien - Super!
Baika et Aladin: Aladin est en vacances chez Baika - chic!
Photo: 01-07-2006
Alibaba du Chateau de la Sarraz: His master's voice!
Cani'bullle. Bulle - Qualification: very good
Photo: 12-07-2006
Artiste du Chateau de la Sarraz
Animalia 06, Beaulieu - Lausanne - Qualification: excellent 1 (CAC)
Photo: Octobre 2006
Concours d'agility de "Le Paradis" 2009, 26 April 2009
- 3rd place
- 4th place
- 3rd place (jumping.
Baika in the parcours.
Baika in the parcours.
Baika in the parcours.
Baika in the parcours.
Concours amical du Toleure, 16 June 2007, Bière - Switzerland
Baika in the parcours "jumping"
The winners
Concours amical, Canine Club St-Prex - Switzerland, 27 April 2008
Baika in the parcours: "jumping" - 4th place.
Agility meeting: 16 July 2011, Allschwil / BL
A short break: Baika, Drall and Duchesse.
Result: The Foxterrier Team - including Baika - was qualified for the Swiss Championship 2011.
Swiss Championship 2011, 04 December 2011, Dielsdorf / ZH
Baika in the parcours.
Result for the Foxterrier Team: 7th place.
Internationale Hundeausstellung, 26 February 2012, Fribourg / Schweiz
Resulte: Duchesse du Château de la Sarraz (Richter Herr M.P. Machetanz (DE).
Duchesse du Château de la Sarraz im Ehrenring.
Agility meeting: 22 and 23 September 2012, Cossonay
Baika in the newspaper of Cossonay.
A contacter:
Walt Guido
Arzillier 8
tel 021-701-05-13
gsm 078 638 15 99