-  Highlights 2019
>  News & Liens

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-  Focus
  -  Usines d'automobile
  -  Héritage culturel
  -  Cimenterie
  -  Production d'énergie
  -  Métallurgie
  -  Industrie minière
  -  Pétrochimie
  -  Public Management
  -  Transport
-  Formation
-  Organisation de congrès
-  Pièces de rechange
-  Contact / Réseaux

-  MBF / RCM (SAE JA 1011)
-  Sûreté de fonctionnement
-  Soudage de maintenance
  -  Electrode manuel
  -  MIG / MAG
-  Soudage de réparation
-  Fonte
  -  Soudabilité
  -  Soudage de réparation
-  Acier d'usage courant
  -  Soudage
-  Aciers à outils
-  Revêtements
  -  Soudage
  -  Projection
  -  Brasage
-  Experts en grues
-  Sécurité
-  Acronyme
-  Normes internationales
-  CEN TR 15628

-  Highlights 2019
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-  Highlights 2003
-  Foxterrier


Call for papers

International Operation & Maintenance Conference in the Arab Countries

15 - 16 December 2020
Location: anywhere with good internet connection

Under the theme of "The Integration of Maintenance and Asset Management", the 18th edition of the "International Operations and Maintenance Conference in the Arab Countries (OMAINTEC)" will be held virtually on December 15th & 16th 2020. Through the conference's virtual event platform, we are glad to offer our delegates, speakers and partners with the ultimate unique experience virtually reproducing all live OMAINTEC event aspects.
The conference's scientific committee invites researchers, specialists & institutions to submit full papers, researches, case-studies & success stories in various aspects related to the operations & maintenance sector,rehabilitation economics, applications & experiences within the conference topics.

More information


World Maintenance Forum


VocTrainMaint, Europe

EURIAC, Europe

PILE-Up, Europe

TnPM (TM), Total Productive Maintenance Committee of CAPE, GuangZhou, China

OMAINTEC, Saudi-Arabia and Lebanon

The Kansas Community College, USA

Comité Panamericano de Ingeniería de Mantenimiento

ABRAMAN - Associação Brasileira de Manutenção

SIRFRt, Australia

Center of Asset Maintenance Management (CDV), Denmark

fmPro - association suisse du facility management et de la maintenance

SMRP - The Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals, USA

Last update: October 3, 2020

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